Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Talented Or Opinionated

â€Å"The Talented or the Opinionated† Although the Japanese educational system meets the challenges of our everyday world, the American educational system tends to focus on free will, and expressing opinions pushing the children to exceed their creative limits. In her article â€Å"The Japanese and American Educational Methods,† Jane Korission states that most American high school students are underachievers, and are not pushed enough to reach their ultimate goals whereas, Japanese students have shown the best performance in all categories of the mathematics exams. â€Å"The entrance exams are a large part of the academic curriculum, but a stronger emphasis is place on preparing students to get used to living and working within a group-oriented society.† The Japanese system has an excellent curriculum, and although students might learn many things effectively, they get too much homework and will not have free time to enjoy themselves. In his article â€Å"About the Japanese Educational System,† Hans Lee explains that in America, though curriculum could not compare to Japan, American students have time to vent, and spend time with their friends after class because there is less homework. â€Å"Although there is a low crime rate in Japan because there are many strict rules these rules make the students stressful, so the number of teenager's suicide and juvenile delinquencies are rising.† The way of killing is also being cruel these days. Japanese education makes students learn many subjects and students are able to find something they like, but that is possible only at school. Students must study even after school, so they will not have time to increase their talents. On the contrary, American students have more time to express themselves because there are fewer subjects to study. There is too much free time after school in America so it is likely for the students to waste their times. However, this system allows the teachers to t... Free Essays on Talented Or Opinionated Free Essays on Talented Or Opinionated â€Å"The Talented or the Opinionated† Although the Japanese educational system meets the challenges of our everyday world, the American educational system tends to focus on free will, and expressing opinions pushing the children to exceed their creative limits. In her article â€Å"The Japanese and American Educational Methods,† Jane Korission states that most American high school students are underachievers, and are not pushed enough to reach their ultimate goals whereas, Japanese students have shown the best performance in all categories of the mathematics exams. â€Å"The entrance exams are a large part of the academic curriculum, but a stronger emphasis is place on preparing students to get used to living and working within a group-oriented society.† The Japanese system has an excellent curriculum, and although students might learn many things effectively, they get too much homework and will not have free time to enjoy themselves. In his article â€Å"About the Japanese Educational System,† Hans Lee explains that in America, though curriculum could not compare to Japan, American students have time to vent, and spend time with their friends after class because there is less homework. â€Å"Although there is a low crime rate in Japan because there are many strict rules these rules make the students stressful, so the number of teenager's suicide and juvenile delinquencies are rising.† The way of killing is also being cruel these days. Japanese education makes students learn many subjects and students are able to find something they like, but that is possible only at school. Students must study even after school, so they will not have time to increase their talents. On the contrary, American students have more time to express themselves because there are fewer subjects to study. There is too much free time after school in America so it is likely for the students to waste their times. However, this system allows the teachers to t...

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